Tagged content of MegB in portfolio "My year with KWS UK Ltd"

Search results for Barley

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1/12/16 (Journal entry)

Lead the transplanting of 670 plants for WxM, with one worker.

Plants out of vern on the 30/11/16.

Cleaned out the Breeders room in...
Tags: Alternative Wheat, Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, Double Haploid, driving, Forklift, Glasshouse, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, soil, Transplanting, Vernalisation, Winter Wheat, WxM

13/12/16-15/12/16 (Journal entry)

Working for R&D.

Harvesting plants parts of the DRUMM project. Oven drying. Hand threshing. Cleaning. Seed counting. Packaging and pos...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Barley, cleaning seed, Crates, DRUMM, Dust, Glasshouse, harvest, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, oven drying, Packaging, packets, Personal Responsibility, Posting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, samples, Scotland, supervising, Threshing

16/11/16 (Journal entry)


Fertility counting

Obs sub sampling- GS TS 2016

Labelling and storing 2015 stock.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, fertility counting, Glasshouse, IbyR, Landraces, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, samples

17/11/16 (Journal entry)

R&D- threshing F1 and F2 plant material for cold stores.

Potting up in the glasshouse in the afternoon ready for WxM plants to be plan...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, Double Haploid, Ear cleaning, Glasshouse, IbyR, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, Personal Responsibility, Potting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, soil, WxM

19/12/16 - 23/12/16 (Journal entry)


DRRUM project.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, cleaning seed, DRRUM, Glasshouse, harvest, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, Lifting, oven drying, packets, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, Seed cleaning, Threshing

2/12/16 (Journal entry)


Taking measurements for a PhD students project. - No. of unfolded leaves until last auricle and stem height up to last auricle.

Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, IbyR, Inspections, Lab, Landraces, leaf sampling, No. unfolded leaves, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, Stem Height

24/11/16 (Journal entry)

Fertility counting for R&D.

Took 800 plants out of vern ready for transplanting tomorrow.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, fertility counting, Glasshouse, IbyR, Landraces, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, Vernalisation, WxM

27/2/17 (Journal entry)

Fleecing the Spring Barley, prevents it being eaten by rooks and any late frost from affecting the crop.

Over in multiplication, thres...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, cleaning seed, drilling, Field, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, packets, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, Rodding up., samples, Seed cleaning, Threshing

4/11/16 (Journal entry)

Mixed day working for trials and R&D.

R&D-: Sub-sampled the 2016 Barley GS training sets material for long terms storage.  As well as ...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Barley, Carrying, Compost, Crates, Deer, driving, Electric, Fencing, IbyR, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, Languages, Lifting, packets, Personal Responsibility, Potting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, samples, soil, Winter Wheat

9/01/17 (Journal entry)

Working in R&D.

Packaged and posted DRRUM seed up to Scotland.

Sowed trays for future temperature trials in the glasshouse.

Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Barley, cleaning seed, Compost, DRRUM, Glasshouse, Growth Cabinet, harvest, IbyR, loading, oven drying, Packaging, packets, Personal Responsibility, Posting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, samples, Seed cleaning
12 results