Tagged content of MegB in portfolio "My year with KWS UK Ltd"

Search results for Health and safety

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10/11/16 (Journal entry)

Transplanting rape plants from glass house to field with 8 other workers.

Constructed rabbit fencing around the cage plots to prevent ...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Cages, Carrying, Compost, driving, Fencing, Field, Glasshouse, Health and safety, Interpersonal skills, Languages, Lifting, Oilseed Rape, Personal Responsibility, Plant rows, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, samples, soil, Training, Transplanting, Vernalisation

10/8/16 (Journal entry)

Ear cleaning.

Seed cleaning training.

Combining all afternoon.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Bundles, Carrying, Crates, driving, Dust, Ear cleaning, Health and safety, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Plant pulling., Professional Practice, Professional Standards, Training

11/08/16 (Journal entry)

Ear cleaning.

Stored sample bundles in crates and put them on the drier.

Transfered crates of seed from the drier back into boxes r...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Bundles, Carrying, Crates, driving, Dust, Ear cleaning, Health and safety, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Plant pulling., Professional Practice, Professional Standards

12/8/16 (Journal entry)

Full days combining.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Carrying, combining, Crates, driving, Dust, Health and safety, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards

13/08/16 (Journal entry)

Half days combining.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Carrying, combining, Crates, driving, Dust, Health and safety, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards

15/8/16 (Journal entry)

Finished combining the winter wheat NL2's,
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Carrying, Crates, driving, Dust, Health and safety, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice

19/01/17 (Journal entry)

Using the Mini Pektus- cleaning alternative wheat samples ready to be sent globally for trials.
Tags: Alternative Wheat, Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Carrying, cleaning seed, Dust, Health and safety, Mini Pektus, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, samples, Seed cleaning, Training

2/8/16 (Journal entry)

Ear cleaning


Cleaning seed.

Risk assements undertaken- Manual handling of sacks. Rodding up. Combine harvester; drivin...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Bundles, Carrying, Crates, driving, Ear cleaning, Health and safety, injuries and damage, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Development Plan, Personal Responsibility, Preventing pain, Professional Practice, Professional Standards

3/8/16 (Journal entry)

Collecting bundles of plants for DUS and MAINT. DUS are stored if seed from previous years is needed to be retrieved. MAINT will be sown ...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Bundles, Carrying, Crates, driving, Health and safety, injuries and damage, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Plant pulling., Preventing pain, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, Training.

4/6/16 (Journal entry)

Bundling in the morning.

Followed by an afternoon combining the NL2's.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Bundles, Crates, driving, Dust, Ear cleaning, Health and safety, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Professional Standards, Training
13 results