Tagged content of MegB in portfolio "My year with KWS UK Ltd"

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3/4/17 (Journal entry)

3 weeks full time with Barley R&D.

Leaf sampling.


Fertility counts for DRUMM project.

Trained and co-supervisi...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Batteur, Biomass, Bundles, Carrying, cleaning seed, DRRUM, Ear cleaning, Ear number, fertility counting, Field, Forklift, Glasshouse, Grab samples, Grain weight, harvest, IbyR, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, leaf sampling, Lifting, oven drying, Packaging, packets, Personal Responsibility, Plant pulling., Potting, Processing, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, sacks, samples, Seed counting, soil, Storing, supervising, Training, Transplanting, Wetwang
1 result