Tagged content of MegB in portfolio "My year with KWS UK Ltd"

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1/12/16 (Journal entry)

Lead the transplanting of 670 plants for WxM, with one worker.

Plants out of vern on the 30/11/16.

Cleaned out the Breeders room in...
Tags: Alternative Wheat, Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, Double Haploid, driving, Forklift, Glasshouse, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, soil, Transplanting, Vernalisation, Winter Wheat, WxM

10/11/16 (Journal entry)

Transplanting rape plants from glass house to field with 8 other workers.

Constructed rabbit fencing around the cage plots to prevent ...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Cages, Carrying, Compost, driving, Fencing, Field, Glasshouse, Health and safety, Interpersonal skills, Languages, Lifting, Oilseed Rape, Personal Responsibility, Plant rows, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, samples, soil, Training, Transplanting, Vernalisation

11/11/16 (Journal entry)

Leading the transplanting of Wheat by Maize in the glasshouse that have come out of vernalisation. Part of the Double Haploid program.

Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Carrying, Compost, Double Haploid, Glasshouse, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Languages, Personal Responsibility, Potting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, samples, soil, Transplanting, Vernalisation, Winter Wheat, WxM

17/11/16 (Journal entry)

R&D- threshing F1 and F2 plant material for cold stores.

Potting up in the glasshouse in the afternoon ready for WxM plants to be plan...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, Compost, Double Haploid, Ear cleaning, Glasshouse, IbyR, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, Personal Responsibility, Potting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, soil, WxM

20/10/16 (Journal entry)

Went out to Swafham, taking BNS soil samples for next seasons sugar beet trial fields.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, drilling, Interpersonal skills, Lifting, nematodes, Personal Responsibility, Professional Standards, samples, soil, sugar beet

21/10/16 (Journal entry)

Went out deer electric fencing around freshly drilled local wheat quality trials and hege trials with a team of 3.

Trained workers on ...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Carrying, Deer, drilling, driving, Electric, Fencing, Interpersonal skills, Languages, Lifting, loading, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, soil, Training

3/4/17 (Journal entry)

3 weeks full time with Barley R&D.

Leaf sampling.


Fertility counts for DRUMM project.

Trained and co-supervisi...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Batteur, Biomass, Bundles, Carrying, cleaning seed, DRRUM, Ear cleaning, Ear number, fertility counting, Field, Forklift, Glasshouse, Grab samples, Grain weight, harvest, IbyR, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, leaf sampling, Lifting, oven drying, Packaging, packets, Personal Responsibility, Plant pulling., Potting, Processing, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, sacks, samples, Seed counting, soil, Storing, supervising, Training, Transplanting, Wetwang

30/11/16 (Journal entry)

Checked on all WxM plants potted to date, weeded and deselected weak/dead crosses.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Compost, Double Haploid, Glasshouse, Inspections, Personal Responsibility, Plant pulling., Professional Practice, Professional Standards, soil, Transplanting, Winter Wheat, WxM

4/11/16 (Journal entry)

Mixed day working for trials and R&D.

R&D-: Sub-sampled the 2016 Barley GS training sets material for long terms storage.  As well as ...
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, awareness, Barley, Carrying, Compost, Crates, Deer, driving, Electric, Fencing, IbyR, Inspections, Interpersonal skills, Landraces, Languages, Lifting, packets, Personal Responsibility, Potting, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, samples, soil, Winter Wheat

9/11/16 (Journal entry)

Leaf sampling tillering material and fertility counting for R&D.
Tags: Application of knowledge and understanding, Barley, fertility counting, IbyR, Landraces, leaf sampling, Lifting, Personal Responsibility, Professional Practice, Professional Standards, R&D, samples, soil
10 results