Participant Information Sheet: General

This document provides information about the work of students from the University of Nottingham who are seeking assistance from you (or from your dependents or pupils) in their research, so that you can decide whether or not to participate. Participation may involve:

  • consultation concerning a professional or creative process in which you are involved;
  • giving opinions on what you would expect or want, as a consumer, from a product or event of a particular type;
  • participating in a product or event organised by the student;
  • giving opinions on an product created or event organised by the student, e.g. a Roman meal, a children’s book about ancient Greece, a travel guide to a Roman-British site, a performance of a Greek tragedy, …


The Independent Second-Year Project

The University of Nottingham Classics of Department of Classics & Archaeology runs a module entitled the ‘Independent Second-Year Project’, for which students are required to communicate their knowledge of the ancient world to a non-academic audience through a medium of their own choice.

The module’s emphasis on non-academic communication encourages students to think creatively about the relationship between what they are learning and the world beyond University, enhancing their employability whether they a) focus on a particular possible career (such as teaching, journalism, museums), or b) apply their academic skills of information-gathering, analysis and communication to a situation other than the writing of a standard essay or exam.

Students produce a wide range of products including teaching or outreach activities for children/the general public, journalistic or creative writing, art, museum work (including exhibitions, models, re-enactments), tour-guides, performance, film, IT, games, comics, …

Students are encouraged to research the type of product they have chosen, not only by analysing examples and reading relevant publications but also by consulting practitioners/experts, by surveying opinions as to what makes a product good or bad, and by seeking feedback on the product itself (asking, for example, which aspects were the most useful/enjoyable, or how the product could be improved).

Your participation is entirely voluntary and can cease at any point. Students are required to explain to you what it is that they are hoping to achieve and how your assistance will help them to achieve it, and to obtain your informed written consent to your own participation or that of your dependents or pupils. They should be able to answer your questions about their own projects; any questions about the module as a whole should be directed to this year’s convener, Dr. Lynn S. Fotheringham, at the land address or electronic address given below. 

For the University's general privacy policies, please follow this link


Address: Department of Classics & Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. 


Academic year 2018/19